Video Clips
Two Roads (5:58) — In our spiritual journey, we come to a crossroads, faced with a choice of primarily pleasing God or trusting Him. What do we choose? (Trueface)
The Path (3:24) — What path does God expect us to be on? Is He offering us a better path than we think? (Trueface)
I am Second (8:24) — Nate Larkin’s story of porn/sex addiction, recovery and redemption
Meet Jeff Schulte (4:57) — Jeff Schulte from Tin Man Ministries talks about Transparency vs Vulnerability
Are You Your True Self? (2:14) — Ruth Haley Barton explains the hope for the process of transformation in seeking out our true selves, as they are exposed to us by God.
What is a Divided Life? (5:58) — Do you want to show up in the world with more of your true values and gifts, connecting with others in authentic ways? Parker Palmer shares the Courage & Renewal approach.
Chemical Addiction vs Process/Behavioral Addiction (3:00) — Dr. Patrick Carnes discusses process/behavior addictions, which include gambling addiction, eating disorders, and sexual addiction.
At What Point Does Behavior Constitute Addiction? (2:32) — Dr. Patrick Carnes answers the question of when behavior constitutes addiction.
Shame is Lethal (4:25) — Dr. Brené Brown reveals the three things shame requires to grow – and the one thing that can stop shame in its tracks.
Guilt and Shame (2:50) — Dr. Brené Brown
Empathy (2:53) — Dr. Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities.
Blame (3:25) — Dr. Brené Brown considers why we blame others, how it sabotages our relationships, and why we desperately need to move beyond this toxic behavior.
Embracing Vulnerability (5:55) — Dr. Brené Brown offers an invitation and a promise – that when we dare to drop the armor that protects us from feeling vulnerable, we open ourselves to the experiences that bring purpose and meaning in our lives.
The Biggest Myth About Vulnerability (2:35) — Dr. Brené Brown explains the ways uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure are essential.
The Sex Addiction Cycle (8:00) — Dr. Weiss explains what the new sex addiction cycle looks like step-by-step.
Coming Clean: A Story of Faith (2:05) — What is your pain? In the book Coming Clean, Seth Haines writes a raw account of his first 90 days of sobriety, illuminating how to face the pain we’d rather avoid, and even more importantly, how an abiding God meets us in that pain.
The Polyvagal Theory: The New Science of Safety and Trauma (28:09) — Seth Porges discusses the Polyvagal Theory, which is a new understanding of how our nervous system works, and explains everything from trauma, to the very essence of social behavior.
Trauma and The Nervous System: A Polyvagal Perspective (9:00) — This video gives a basic introduction and overview of how trauma and chronic stress affects our nervous system and how those effects impact our health and well-being.
How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction (9:09) — Gabor Maté believes that addiction is an attempt to deal with childhood trauma.
Children and the Developing Mind (5:43) — Curt Thompson shares how to parent children with care and respect for their developing minds.
Neuroplasticity and Spiritual Disciplines (3:43) — Curt Thompson explains the flexibility of the brain to change and grow, the capabilities of the mind, and what these have to do with spiritual transformation and the traditional spiritual disciplines.
What Your Brain Really Needs to Thrive (2:03) — Curt Thompson challenges us to see the importance of healthy human relationships.
Why You Need Community for Mental Health (1:28) — Curt Thompson discusses the importance of relationships and how they can help us to communicate emotional challenges.
The Lie We Tell Our Children (1:30) — Curt Thompson gives insight into why anxiety has become a defining emotion of young people today.
The Four Features of Shame (6:58) — Curt Thompson describes the four features of shame: judgement, hiding, self-perpetuation, & division.
To Know and Be Known (3:47) — Curt Thompson talks about interpersonal neurobiology and the human thirst for knowledge—our quest to know things—and the significance of "being known."
Still Face Experiment (2:49) — Dr. Edward Tronick discusses the cognitive abilities of infants to read and react to their social surroundings.
It’s Not About the Nail (1:41) — Listen, don’t try and fix it
From Betrayal to Restoration — Julianne Cusick
Part 1: The Fallout (4:31)
Part 2: Covered in Shame (4:56)
Part 3: Going Somewhere (3:12)
Sermon Jams — featuring Matt Chandler
Waiting (2:30)
Strugglers (2:52)
Jesus is Enough (4:08)
Openness and Authenticity (3:51)
Keep Getting Up (2:19)
What is the Gospel? (2:17)
The Second Wave (5:11)
Who Is This Divided Man? — John Piper (Romans 7:14-25)
Movie Clips
The Heart of Man (3:04)
The Kid (2:34)
The Work (2:02)